seminarAt any given time around 45 million Americans each year are on some type of diet. It is estimated that $33 billion is spent on products and services to assist in weight loss. With all the money, time, and effort put into weight loss how is it that so many Americans are overweight or obese?

Perhaps you are one of the 45 million putting yourself on diet after diet to lose weight with no success. Below are some alarming statistics about obesity your Melbourne Fl bariatric surgeon wants you to be aware of.

Obesity is an epidemic in this country. Statistics show that approximately on third of Americans are obese. The Food Research and Action council states that 68.5% of adults in this country are overweight and they also note that 34.9% are obese. While recent reports show a slowing trend in these numbers, indicating that perhaps the obesity rate has leveled off, the reality is still alarming.

If you count yourself among the overweight and obese in this nation don’t lose heart. There is hope. If diets and exercise have failed to assist you on your weight loss journey bariatric surgery could be the answer.

Ideal candidates have a BMI of at least 40, 35 under some conditions. If this sounds like you Advanced Surgical and Weight Loss Institute and Dr. Velarde just may be the solution you have been searching for.

When considering whether or not to have bariatric surgery The Weight Control Information Network suggests patients ask themselves a few questions before making the decision:

Have you tried to lose the weight by other means with no success and are you likely to do so in the future?

  • Do you know how your life will change post surgery?
  • Are you prepared to make dietary changes?
  • Do you know the benefits and risks associated with bariatric surgery?
  • Can you commit to the dietary changes, maintain an active lifestyle, and take the necessary medications and nutritional supplements afterwards?
  • Do you feel confident in your knowledge about the procedure and possible effects of treatment?

If you can answer these questions and feel like you are a good candidate or are interested in learning more we invite you to attend one of our informational sessions. Advanced Surgical and Weight Loss Institute located in beautiful Brevard County, FL offers seminars on bariatric surgery.

Dr. Velarde and his team are here to give you all the information you need on making this decision. Dr. Velarde offers three types of bariatric surgery: lap band, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve.

Our next seminar will be held on June 26th, 2014 at 6 PM at Wuesthoff Medical Center in Melbourne, FL in the first floor classroom. Join Dr. Velarde and find out more about your options when it comes to bariatric surgery and weight loss.

For more information, click on the events button tab located to the left of the site. We look forward to meeting you and providing you with valuable information on your road to success.