The Ins and Outs of Gastric Bypass Surgery

The Ins and Outs of Gastric Bypass Surgery By now, we all know that there is surgery available for weight loss.  Weight loss (or bariatric) surgery is used in cases where the patient is considered obese according to medical standards.  Weight loss surgery is...

Get Out – I Have Gout?!

Get Out – I Have Gout?! You may have never heard of gout or, if you have, you might think only elderly people get it or simply have no idea what it is.  You are not alone, no matter which of these applies to you.  That’s why we want to give a little time and...

What is Making Us Fat?

What is Making Us Fat? The United States is well known throughout the world for being the most overweight country. This is not something to be proud of, but instead, it is an alarming fact. This should be our wake up call. With all the professional sports we have in...
The Stigma Surrounding Obesity

The Stigma Surrounding Obesity

The Stigma Surrounding Obesity Obesity in the United States is a hot topic of conversation. As with other social problems surrounding us, we are quick to look for someone to blame. The popular culprits range from hormone pumped meat consumption, fast food chains, and...