Why Weight Loss Surgery?

Why Weight Loss Surgery?

Why Weight Loss Surgery? When considering surgical weight loss, it’s important to understand the benefits. For starters, excess weight is associated with other health problems. Extra pounds don’t only add to the numbers on the scale, they also add health...

Spring Toward Weight Loss

Spring Toward Weight Loss The first day of spring was last week, and that signals many changes. In Central Florida, the weather changes are not as dramatic as they are in other parts of the country. We don’t see melting snow, and the birds have been singing for...

Healthy Food Substitutions

Healthy Food Substitutions A fit lifestyle involves two main components: regular exercise and sensible eating. Fad diets are a waste of time and energy, and they are often counterproductive in the long run. A wiser approach would be to make wiser choices about the...

Is Fasting Making Me Gain Weight?

Is Fasting Making Me Gain Weight? During the Lenten season, many Christians fast in a variety of ways during the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Fasting refers to any type of abstinence from food, and there are many varieties. Some fasting eliminates...

Multitasking for More Exercise

Multitasking for More Exercise Everyone knows that we need to exercise to stay fit, but most people are so busy that it is hard to find the time to get enough exercise. One trick to help reconcile a busy lifestyle with the need for more exercise is to do two things at...