Get Moving

Get Moving When you begin to incorporate exercise into your weight loss journey, you have so many options to choose from. If you are new to the workout game, take heart. There is a plan or regimen that will work for your individual needs. From walking and jogging, to...

Emotional Eating Explained

Emotional Eating Explained For those struggling with obesity, there is often a close tie to emotional eating. In times of duress, food seems to be the only comfort albeit a short-term fix to a much more complicated issue. Have you ever reached for food during times of...
Eating Smart at the Office

Eating Smart at the Office

Eating Smart at the Office Does it ever seem like your office is more like a bakery than a work space? Are there more donuts in the break room than office supplies in the storage closet? Just when one holiday season seems to finally be over, another one comes along...
Advice for Exercise Newbies

Advice for Exercise Newbies

Advice for Exercise Newbies Now that the holidays are over, many are turning their sights to the New Year and all that new beginnings can bring. The coming new year represents a chance to make changes both big and small for many. What about you? What have you set your...