Smart Holiday Snacking Tips

Smart Holiday Snacking Tips

Do all the upcoming holiday parties have you feeling a little nervous about the plethora of calories you’ll be consuming? For many, the Thanksgiving and  Christmas festivities can have them feeling sluggish and bloated by the New Year. There is great news...
How Can I Exercise On Vacation?

How Can I Exercise On Vacation?

If exercise is something that you have recently started doing, then you may look back over the years before it was a part of your life and remember seeing people exercise while obviously on vacation.  Perhaps you wondered why they were doing that.  It may have seemed...
Healthy Halloween Treats

Healthy Halloween Treats

At Advanced Surgical, where we offer weight loss programs to the people of Melbourne, FL, we see the effects of unhealthy eating every day.  It is a major cause of obesity.  It is certainly not the ONLY cause of obesity, but it is definitely a major contributor for...